Soupe Butternut Curry. Add broth; cover and bring to a boil. Puree squash mixture with immersion blender or in food processor or blender until smooth.
Soupe de courge butternut, curry et amandes - Cookidoo® - la plateforme ... (Maurice Manning) Heat olive oil in a heavy pot over medium heat. Add broth; cover and bring to a boil. Place butternut squash on baking tray.
Heat oil in a dutch oven over medium heat.
Stir and cook for a few minutes, until squash is soft and tender.
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Les 25 meilleures idées de la catégorie Butternut curry sur Pinterest ...
Then add soy sauce and the roasted butternut squash and carrots and stir in. Add butternut squash and season with salt, pepper, curry powder, and ground cinnamon. Once the oil is hot, add squash, onion, garlic to skillet.
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